Urban and Rural Community Collaborations on Watershed Management

Please join us for the Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) webinar at noon CDT, Wednesday, Sep. 21, featuring Trisha Moore, associate professor of biological & agricultural engineering at Kansas State University. Moore conducts research and works in partnership with municipalities, state agencies and nonprofits in areas of ecological engineering and watershed management. Her efforts focus on natural-based approaches for restoring hydrologic functions and connectivity.

In the webinar, “A River Runs Through It: Linking Urban and Rural Communities Through Watershed Management,” Moore will draw on examples from a stormwater management program involving the city of Wichita, Kansas and agricultural producers in the Little Arkansas Watershed to illustrate how rural and urban communities and stakeholders have successfully collaborated on addressing watershed-scale issues. She will provide program implementation highlights and present performance outcomes in terms of water quality and cost-effectiveness.

“Partnerships between rural and urban communities addressing watershed scale conditions can deliver broad benefits for all stakeholders,” said Moore. “Urban and rural communities share the same water resources, and so it is incumbent upon us all to identify ways to more effectively manage these resources together. I hope participants in this webinar will gain confidence in the potential to engage rural and urban agencies and groups in collaborative programs that benefit all parties.”

Participants in Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinars are encouraged to ask questions of the presenters. People from all backgrounds and areas of interest are encouraged to join.

Webinar Access Instructions

To participate in the live webinar, shortly before noon CDT Sep. 21:

Click this URL, or type this web address into your internet browser: https://iastate.zoom.us/j/364284172

Or go to https://iastate.zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 364 284 172

Or join from a dial-in phone line:

Dial: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 364 284 172

The webinar will also be recorded and archived on the ILF website, so that it can be watched at any time. Archived webinars are available at https://www.iowalearningfarms.org/page/webinars. For a list of upcoming webinars visit https://www.iowalearningfarms.org/page/events.

A Certified Crop Adviser board-approved continuing education unit (CEU) has been applied for. Those who participate in the live webinar are eligible. Information about how to apply to receive the credit will be provided at the end of the live webinar.

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