Thank You for Another Great Year of Field Days!

On behalf of the Iowa Learning Farms team, thank you to all of our hosts, speakers, and partners for a great return to a full field day season. This year, we hosted 30 in-person events and 3 virtual field days! The topics included cover crops, grazing, relay intercropping, diversified agricultural systems, soil health, strip-till/no-till, saturated buffers, bioreactors, wetlands, water quality, perennial vegetation, modified blind inlets, and beaver impacts on water quality.  The combinations of these practices implemented on our landscape are key to helping reach our Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy goals.

Keep an eye out this January! We will be sending a brief survey to all farmers and landowners who attended an ILF-sponsored field day or workshop.

As we look to celebrate 20 years of the Iowa Learning Farms in 2024, be sure to check out our events page on our website and subscribe to our e-news to attend an event near you or online!

Liz Ripley